Putting together the training pages has been a love hate relationship. I will continue to add links and pages as time permits

Here's the list, click the training category you'd like to read about. I've tried to organize it in a way that makes sense to train. 

1. 3 Days Grace the kindest way to begin your relationship with your new pup (or dog!)

2. Crate Training an easy way to manage, keep safe and encourage non destructive behaviors

    2a.Entering the Crate 

    2b. Closing the Door

    2c. Building Duration

3. Potty Protocol  a great way to teach house breaking that allows you to take your pup places

4. Food For Thought being able to effeciently hand treats/kibble is a skill!

5. Boundary Work  teaching your dog to settle in place. 

6. Introduction to Scent Work have fun using up mental energy

7. Recall How to help your dog become more reliable