Week 8/9

The fetuses are fully developed, and Pip may start lactating, the belly is full of puppies. I can see movement has slowed down as space becomes restricted. Pip is feeling, suddenly  more like a potato and less agile. Last night, she managed to grab a chicken (that had flown over the 6' fence into the dog area), this morning, its really difficult to jump into the lazy boy with me to snuggle. Her pooping is was a little difficult last night and when it seemed the same this morning, I've added pumpkin (plain canned, the high fiber helps constipation and diarrhea alike). She enjoyed steak strips for breakfast, and looks longingly at the canned food when her portion is gone. 


Puppy organs are well developed and it would be reasonable for her to lose her appetite this week. Nails are developed and the pups are fully covered in hair. Pigmentation of skin starts this week. Teeth start calcification. This pregnancy thing is big stuff! So much happens, in multiples, so quickly. It truly is a miracle. Anytime after Sunday is absolutely safe, earlier will depend on when she dropped eggs and dog math 

This photo captures her exact mood this morning hahha. Feeling like a potato, wondering why she suddenly doesn't fit and can't jump onto my lap.  I'm going to run her (well, drive there) to the near by lake. As a rule she likes to get in as far as her belly, I think the buoyancy of the water will help, even if only a short time, counter the gravity of her belly that has overnight become cumbersome. 

Here are Pippi's stats from her last pregnancy; 

Tied on day 13 of her heat cycle (this time day 8)

Delivered on day 57 (that would be September 10th this time)

Had 6 pups averaging 177 grams. 

This is Pippi's second and final litter. Once she is done, she goes home, gets spayed and full ownership becomes her families. Not gonna lie, I will miss this little girly. True to Jack style she is her own dog. She has big feelings on just about everything and isn't afraid to speak up. She is confident when she needs to be, she is agile when the situation asks for it. She is snuggly and happy. She does have moments of anxiety/unsure, and she has a family that loves all shades of her. She is accepted, as is. Sleeps in bed with them and goes on holidays. 

How perfect can it get? I am always so appreciative of my guardian homes. I simply could not provide for multiple dogs like the individual families do. It makes my heart happy to go and see the dogs and know they are thriving. I feel it's the best balance of providing service dogs and looking after the Mommas.