Week 4/9

Frankie completed their first trimester! 

In the week ahead (week four) they are now growing very fast and have almost tripled in size. 

A lot has happened behind the scenes so far. Like humans, people wouldn't always guess that they were pregnant. 

You may start to see activity decrease, although its harder to gauge. Jacks stay fairly perky right up to delivery. Jumping onto my lap or the bed 


For Frankie's first litter, she had a delivery buddy, Pippi. (who wasn't as helpful as I'd envisioned hahah). Pip came into heat days after Frankie. Gave birth 3 days later... and tried to un-alive Frankie's pups. Jacks are not like shelter mutts. I've had 5 litters of surrendered shelter pups at a time with no concerns. 2 litters of Jacks, was much more work. Mainly because of the time commitment I put into the pre 8 week work. Partially because Pippi has her very set mind. In everything. Everything. She loves who she loves. She does what she does. She is in her perfect home. 

Pip came this week for breeding. The litters should be about 3 weeks apart (infinitely better than 3 days). My Guardian contract reads " bred 2 heat cycles after OFA". I will be changing that wording, going forward to 2 litters. If I miss a breeding, it increases the cost of producing pups. 

From each litter up to 3 pups are placed without fees. Which means 2 babies (on average) cover the costs of testing, microchipping, vetting, emergency visits, purchase price of studs and his testing, worming, flea tick, travel, website, sensory objects ($200 spent this morning ... thanks Prime days on new puppy gear).  My time is not factored in the equation. The courses I take (continually), the research on things like motion sickness. 

So stay tuned! More puppies on the way! 

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PS Did you see the instagram post of Squish (sire) with a 1 day old serama chick. The baby weighs less than a quarter!