Week 3/9

Going into the third week and this is when the girls may feel some morning sickness. I ask that food be offered but not worried if she isn't too interested.  She may also feel the need to eat more! Depends on each dog, some scarf food to appease an upset belly, some avoid it. This stage passes quickly as she get accustomed to the newness of it all. While we cannot see anything yet, she can feel changes. 

By the 19th day, the embryos hide within the uterine wall. This is what causes the morning sickness. Remember the horns from last week? The embryos are implanted in each segment

This is the week that families report their girls become a little more affectionate. It's not uncomon to notice her nipples enlarging a bit this week or a bit of a clear discharge! 

All normal things. Pregnancy has it's own set of "normal" 

Look how adorable this girl is! Imagine coming home to this little face every day! 


Hard to believe we are 16 of 63 days complete. Time goes so fast!