Week 1/9

This morning Frankie ans Squish tied. I'll put them together tomorrow then she returns home til late August 


The eggs are fertilized in the fallopian tub.  Tgey distribute ourselves nicely, so that no one is alone, and nestle up tight in the soft uterine wall. They divide from 4 to 64 cells and immediately get a head and spine!


Once fertilized, embryos move from the upper portion of the female dog’s uterus down to the lower part. They stay here for the first week or so of the pregnancy.

Frankie is an adventure buddy. She thinks she is a golden retriever trapped in a jrt body She loves a good hike and a good nap. A dog content to be home during a work day, and happy to tag along on whatever the day brings. She is funny and affectionate. This is her second/last litter.   Once this litter is complete/she has them weaned, she will be spayed and released to her human. Guardian Homes, for me are the kindest way to keep multiple Momma dogs, and meet their needs and wants. I am deeply grateful to the guardian homes for the love they have of their dogs. It never fails to make me happy to see one of the dogs or to get updates on accomplishments.