Swimming Puppies

When we agree to take care of a pup, we need to stop and look at the whole process. Hope for longevity and continue to the pup to novel things. If we ask too much from a puppy, before growth plates are closed, we risk pain now and in the future. 

Swimming is pretty perfect for those joints. The weather and time availability all aligned today and I was able to get the two remaining pups to the lake for a swim. Before we geet into the swim, lets recap the work that's been done before heading to the lake. Motion sickness, the pups are great in the car. Confidence building, so the concrete boat launch wasn't worrisome, they've walked on so many surfaces. They've been exposed to enough scents, that the surroundings didn't upset them either. They walkedW to the water like they grew up there. 

Next, I only allowed 3 quick dips each. That's enough on a first swim trip. More and I risk flooding them. A flooded dog isn't able to process. They go into auto pilot and the mental exercise is lost. We went, we swam, we left. Leaving while they are still interested is the easiest way to build a positive experience. 

The female ran into the water, jumped off the boat launch and thought swimming was great fun. Immediately. She volunteered to swim a few laps. Thought the splashes were fun too. She showed zero hesitation. 

The little boy was not as sure about this magic stuff he couldn't walk on. He swam just fine, he just wasn't sure about this disappearing floor. He was more confident when I stood in the water and would, on his own, swim out and around me, then back to ground. No fretting, just not the joy his sister showed. So important for him, to quit before he got a gulp of water or it became a coaxing game. I said zero words. This was their lesson, not mine. I was a lifeguard for years and know how to swim. They learned.

According to the K9 Aqatic Center here are some advantages of swimming. 

  • Faster recovery from surgery, sprain or strain.
  • Reduced pain.
  • Release of stress.
  • Age related limitations: decreased mobility, arthritis, stiffness.
  • Weight reduction & management.
  • Improved body condition & physical performance.
  • Cardiovascular fitness.

What do you think? Does your dog swim? Would you add it to their mental stimulation? 

Here's the instagram reel!