Snuffle Mats

We humans are kind of awful to these furry creatures we love so much. We take dogs and ask them to conform to our vision. 

We set time/distance for walks. We choose their food and when they can eat it. We ask them to dull their senses and live inside. We touch and talk ang teach. 

Snuffle mats are one time where we can give back. We can allow them to use their brains to work out challenges, we can promote them using their biggest sense, the sense of smell. 

You can use a snuffle mat while waiting at the vets to help calm your dog. You can easily pack one for vacation to help your dog settle in a novel place. You can feed all or some of their meals. You can use your lawn in summer and light snow in winter. This is a fun activity that encourages foraging. 

You can make or buy a snuffle mat. They are basically strips of fleece tied to a rubber mat. You could customize colors and length. For dogs with mobility issues, you can place theirs on a slip proof mat. 

They are super simple to use/teach. Teach is the important part here. Anytime we have an expectation, we need to teach that to the dogs, otherwise, they are free to use it as they see fit. They may destroy it, or pick it up and shake it until the kibble is out. If you want/picture a dog using it like Squish does in the photos, then teach that way.

The first couple of days, sitting near your dog, ready to toss a handful of kibble away from the mat when it's time to pick it up, add a healthy layer of kibble to the top of the mat. It is so important to point out that you need to remain quiet. Your words disrupt the thinking/processing part, and that is where the benefit comes from. If the dogs is interrupted we also destroy the optimism we are trying to build.  Once they are done, toss the bonus kibble away and pick up the mat. 

You'll notice the dog starting to shove its nose into the strips, that's the goal! As the dog gets faster/more proficient, bury the kibble a little deeper, continue until they really have to dig for the kibble, but don't progress so quickly that they get frustrated. 

Squish can be left with his mat, but I'd highly recommend you be sure your dog isn't going to eat the mat. 

It's not the time it takes that matters. This is about increasing a bond between you and your pup. Mental stimulation and optimism. So often we tell our dogs "no" this is an easy place to say "yes" Mats promote focus and the ability to disengage from distractions. For a dog to be able to smell it/find it/eat it, that's the gold star of entertainment. That confidence of learning a new skill, of utilizing the senses. 

Using their kibble for enrichment just makes sense. 

Some other, quick  foraging ideas; using a box with crumpled up newspaper.  Feeding fro their bag of food, allow them to work out haw to get the kibble out of the bag. Empty toilet rolls, cereal boxes and a scrunched towel with kibble scattered on it. 

Have fun with it. This is a great way to build a happier, more calm dog!