Dock Diving

The Acemdemy of Pet Careers describes dock diving; In this sport, dogs leap off a dock into a pool of water, competing to achieve the greatest distance, height, or speed. The two primary disciplines are: Distance - The goal is for your dog to leap as far as possible, starting from the edge of the dock.

I believe that happy Momma Dogs make happy puppies. I also feel that dogs deserve all the best things life can offer them. That is why I use Guardian homes. Each future Momma has her own home, bed, family. Activities, sofa snuggles and life. They make their families laugh, and are their companions. The girls could either be one of many, or the center of the universe. I choose center. 

Yesterday, Moxie, a future Momma, partook in Dock Diving at Aqua Terra.   When her familiy asked if I'd like to tag along, it was an easy "yes!"It was my first time there, and what a great set up! The instruction was methodical, giving the participants a break mid day. 

For her first session, she was given time to get used to the ramp (important exit strategy, for when she got in). I told ya, it was methodical! 

Mid day we went to the pond, so she could see that swimming was fun, the 3 labs Fundy, Bonnie and particularly Kermit (the dog hahah) were more than eager to jump in and retrieve. Moxie got caught up in the fun and managed to get in past her tippy toes a couple times. The best way to learn any new skill is to utilize "fun". It takes way fewer repititions if a skill is learned in a fun way. 

Moxie is confident, and resilient. The afternoon was harder for a few reasons, the expectations rose and her battery was lower. It's a big day for a little puppy. She had a 2+ hour drive to get there, then new dogs/people. Plus the pool. 

She was a superstar. She never gave up or stopped trying. She got some good reset time with a bone and some sniffing out treats in the grass. 

I believe she was asleep in her car seat within 60 seconds. 

It was a great positive experience to add to her mental database. New smells, sounds, textures underfoot. New friends, 2 and 4 footed. 

This is what the Momma dogs lives are like. This is why I choose guardian homes. 

Here is the Instagram post with pics! Moxie Dock Diving