Guardian Home Agreement

Duty Dogs
of 1567 Black River Road, NS B4P2R1
(Hereinafter referred to as “DD”)

__________________________________________________________________________________Guardian  Name

(Hereinafter referred to as “The Guardian”)

DD agrees to provide a Dog to the Guardian Home, being a:


Sex             Breed                                 Named                                    Microchip # 
(hereinafter referred to as “Guardian Dog”)

The intent of this agreement is to provide (Guardian) with a Jack Russell Terrier at no purchase price in order for Breeder to have dog included in Duty Dogs' breeding program. Ownership of this dog, remains withthe Breeder, Duty Dogs, for a period of five years or the completion of two litters, whichever occurs first. At that time, ownership will transfer to Guardian once the dog will be spayed/neutered at Guardian’s expense. If Female; Guardian has no ownership or interest in any puppies produced by this dog. If Male; Guardian has no rights to semen produced by this dog. Guardian will take possession on with the responsibility to:

1) Safely confine dog by use of physical fence or leash. Dog will not run at large or be a burden to other dogs, neighbors or the public at large.

2) Provide housebreaking by the age of nine months.

3) Keep the dog accustomed to periods of time in the crate daily, either sleeping or resting.

4) Provide adequate exercise daily, not allowing dog to become overweight as decided by Breeder in order to protect hips from hip dysplasia. Avoid repetitive use of stairs or games like fetch until growth plates are complete (after 1 year)

5) Provide basic obedience training: “come”, “sit”, “stay”, “drop it/leave it”, “crate/kennel”, no jumping on people using positive methods only.

6) Feed approved high quality food.

7) Provide vet care as needed, including vaccinations at Guardian’s expense.

8) The Guardian is responsible for all non-breeding related expenses, including but not limited to: vaccinations, deworming, parasite control, food, and emergency vet expenses.

9) Provide pet insurance for the guardian dog. If Guardian declines pet insurance, they must be prepared to pay for any emergency vet care needed by dog.

10) Keep dog free from fleas and other parasites using vet approved methods and products only

11) Deliver dog to Breeder or meet Breeder upon request with 24-‐hour notice for breeding purposes, testing, etc.

12) Contact Breeder immediately in the event of serious illness or accident including severe diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, etc.

13) Notify Breeder of any absences or vacations of the local area in advance and Arrange for Breeder to care for dog (no other boarding facilities) at a lower than going rate price

14) Send copy of all vet visits to Breeder as well as list Breeder as primary owner.

15) License dog in accordance to local County and keep license current. Abide by all applicable Bi Laws. To be responsible for any damage to human or property

16) Male: Keep dog away from females in season to prevent accidental breeding. Female: Keep dog away from intact males while in season.

17) Agree to notify breeder of any move or change of address and either return the dog to the breeder, make the trip to see the breeder at your expense or the breeder may choose to end the contract early if they decide they don't need the dog in their program anymore.  The dog may also be returned to the breeder to complete her contract then given back to her guardians permanently after her contract is over.

18) In the event that dog does not pass health testing, Guardian will not be required to pay the Breeder any purchase price and will be allowed to keep the dog as a pet. In this event, dog will be neutered at Guardian’s expense.

19) Guardian agrees to keep dog away from dog parks and day cares.

20) Provide photos to be used on website or given to potential puppy families updated every 6 months 

21) Deliver dog to vet at appointed times in the event that Breeder is out of town and a collection or breeding needs to occur. Breeder will set this up at least 48 hours in advance.

22) Keep dog well socialized with other dogs and people of all ages.

23) Should the dog die of natural or accidental causes while in possession of Guardian, this agreement shall terminate. Should the dog die while in the Breeder’s possession this agreement shall terminate, and Breeder shall provide Guardian with a replacement puppy from the next litter. At any time that this Breeder finds non-compliance of this agreement, contract terminates, and possession shall immediately return to Breeder. During the life of this dog, Guardian may return dog to Breeder at any time. If Guardian has dog spayed or neutered without written consent of Breeder, Guardian will owe Breeder  $1,000/ month of age (ie a 18 month old dog would be $18,000 up to $24,000). Any legal costs incurred to collect this payment will be paid by the Guardian.  If Guardian allows dog to be bred without written consent of Breeder, Guardian will owe Breeder $2500 for every puppy produced in the litter. Any legal costs incurred to collect this payment will be paid by the Guardian.

24) Guardian will notifiy by email, of the beginning of each heat cycle.

25) To not rehome, give away, or sell the Guardian Dog

26) To not add another dog until after completion of this contract

27) To return within 24 hours if in violation of any agreement

28) Agree that the dog listed above will remain in Duty Dog’s name until the contract is complete or terminated

29) The price of the dog to be set at $20,000 + 12 current market value pups, should the Guardian refuse to complete the contract. Any legal costs incurred to collect this payment will be paid by the Guardian.  If Guardian allows dog to be bred without written consent of Breeder, Guardian will owe Breeder $2500 for every puppy produced in the litter. Any legal costs incurred to collect this payment will be paid by the Guardian.

30) To not use the Guardian Dog for any fund raising or donation seeking activities. 

Breeder responsibility:

1) Provide Guardian with a healthy puppy.

2) Approve Guardian’s choice of dog food.

3) Pay all veterinarian costs pertaining to reproduction such as OFA (hip and elbow testing),DNA, pregnancy ultrasounds & x-rays.

4) Pay for first vaccination, microchip and deworming

Breeding Expectations
At the age of 2 years the dog shall be x rayed and examined by a veterinarian of DD choice, those results forwarded to the Orthopedic Foundation. This cost is the burden of Duty Dogs
If OFA indicates the dog is in health to be bred the dog will produce two litters (Normal, Good, Fair or Excellent)
The expectation is for breeding to take place the heat cycle immediately following OFA clearances and the heat cycle following that without pause. 
The dog will be returned for breeding on day 7 of each heat cycle,  with a 7-14 day duration being expected
The dog will be returned to Duty Dogs 10-14 days before expected due date and remain until an appropriate time (pups weaned) after giving birth. 
After two litters, the Guardians will schedule her spay. Upon completion of spay, Micro chip will be converted to Guardian name, Duty Dogs name removed from vet records and the dog shall be the sole property of the Guardian home. 


Per: Guardian _____________________________________________________________________

Per: Duty Dogs __________________________ ___________________________ Christina Spencer